Mothers have always been respected. Mums-to-be are treated as if they own the world. They get to eat the best food and get the most attention. This is not surprising of course, as we want both mother and child to be in the best of health. However most of the time,Mums-to-be and their children are unable to get the best insurance protection.
Insuring a Mum-to-be and the unborn child has always been tough, as there is always the chance of pregnancy complications and congenital abnormalities. These are conditions which even doctors cannot be absolutely sure of.
In 2010, about 9,000 babies were hospitalised for congenital and neonatal conditions in public hospitals. Eventhough these were subsidized wards, some 700 had bills that amounted to more than $5,000.
In this issue, we examine a new plan that addresses the above concerns of pregnancy complications and congenital problems. Intoducing The AIA FAMILY FIRST BABY!

AIA Family First Baby (FFB) is an all-in-one prenatal protection and savings plan. It protects expectant mothers from as early as 18 weeks into pregnancy and extends to the baby after he is born. This means peace of mind should the unexpected happen during pregnancy or even after childbirth.
The FFB comprises a regular premium investment (ILP) plan and the Family First Baby rider. Together, they provide comprehensive protection for both mother and child. Moreover, the savings from the ILP ensures the child has a headstart in planning towards a financially secure future immediately when he is born.
1. Pregnancy Complications Benefit - $5000
2. Hospital Care Beenfit for pregnancy Coomplications - $100/ day for 30 days
3. Death Benefit - $5000
In addition, when the policy cover is transferred from mother to child, the mother may purchase a new policy with similar cover without any medical underwriting, allowing her to be protected continually.
COVERAGE FOR CHILD (extends free for the next 3 years)
1. Congenital Illness Benefit (18 conditions) - $5000
2. Hospital Care Benefit - $100/ day for 30 days for any one of the following:
i) Incubation of newborn for more than 3 consecutive days
ii) Premature Birth requiring neonatal ICU/ HDU
iii) Hospitalization due to Hand Foot Mouth Disease
iv) Admission to ICU/ HDU
Best of all, the child will enjoy Guaranteed coverage when the policy is transferred to him, within 60 days of birth. No medical underwriting needed. He can receive whole life coverage (till age 100) as well as savings for his future education.
In a Nutshell…
The AIA FFB provides protection for mother and child before birth, for child after birth and even provides savings to secure the child's financial future.