This month we discuss an issue that 1 in 3 Singaporeans are familiar with, yet remains below the radar - diabetes. You probably know a friend or family member with this chronic condition. You may also be aware that people with diabetes are unable to purchase much needed insurance coverage. Not anymore. AIA has recently launched a plan for diabetics. In fact, people without diabetes are unable to purchase it. Huh? A plan that healthy people can't purchase? Indeed, read on to find out more.
Singapore - the Land of Sugary Piss. There is Hope.

According to the Ministry of Health, diabetes is one of the biggest drains on our healthcare system. Singapore has the second-highest proportion of diabetics among developed nations. 3 in 10 Singaporeans will have diabetes before turning 40. The situation is so serious that 4 Singaporeans lose a limb or appendage dailybecause of diabetic complications. Unfortunately, people with diabetes are unable to get insurance coverage – until now.
Introducing the AIA Diabetes Care
Managing diabetes can mean big adjustments in lifestyle, such as diet, exercise, and daily monitoring of your condition. Alongside these new challenges, you may also face difficulty getting new coverage or keeping up with future treatment costs. Knowing this, AIA created AIA Diabetes Care specially for people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and for pre-diabetics.

Key Benefits:
1) Easier Access to Protection
No medical check-up necessary. You only need to answer 5 simple questions
2) Guaranteed Coverage for 5 Key Diabetes-related Conditions

3) Guaranteed and Levelled Premiums
Unlike most other health plans, premium will not change and the plan will not get more expensive as we age.
4) Extra Special Condition Payout
20% extra coverage payout on limb amputation due to diabetic complications, giving you much needed support to adjust your lifestyle.
5) Boost Your Coverage with Cancer Cover
Upon diagnosis of early or intermediate cancer, 20% extra coverage will be paid out. A further 100% of coverage is paid out if Major cancer happens. You’ll still be left with the coverage from the basic plan.
6) Death Coverage
Should the eventual happen, your family receives a further $5,000.

AIA Diabetes Care can also be integrated with the AIA Vitality programme, giving you up to 15% discount. This programme encourages you to engage in a healthy and active lifestyle.
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